Kate Winslet
Kate never denied the fact she is smoking. Moreover, she was never hiding it and did it quite openely. However, each time a tabloid publishes her new smoking images, the public gets shoked. Over and over again. In an inteview to a popular magazine she told that she starts her days from teeth brusing and … smoking a cigarette!
Keira Knightley
Keira is the actress who smokes cigarettes for years and it seems like she does not want to quit!
Some believe that frequent smoking helps her to remain always skinny. Last years Keira was seen smoking inside many public places such as bars and restaurants, and in some cases she was asked to go outside to smoke!
Gwyneth Paltrow
The actress is a famous smoker and was spotted with a cigarette for many times.
She admits she has at least one bad habit and by this is meant smoking, of course.
Though she says she smokes rarely, this habit has nothing to do with her commitment to healthy lifestyle.
Kate Hudson

During her pregnancy she refused from smoking and told she plans to get rid of it for good. However, after that she was seen smoking again.
Christina Ricci
In one of her interviews Christina told that smoking cigarettes is her way to escape from problems and she wants to fight it.
But soon she was caught smoking, in spite doctor's recommendations.