Friday, October 31, 2014

Marlboro Micro Compared to Marlboro Reds

 Fans of Marlboro brand, good news for you. Not long ago Philip Morris launched a variety called Marlboro Micro. Let us take a look at them in my post.

Marlboro Micro are packed in a blue and silver pack whith typical brand logo. First thing you note when you take the pack in your hands it is its size. It is not as large as Reds! The length of the pack is similar to Reds (85mm) but its width is much thinner — Micro has 10mm width while Reds have 23mm. It means that Micro cigarettes are superslim by their shape. The superslim shape makes the pack lighter than Reds and perfectly suitable for any pocket and bag.

When you uncover the pack, you see that cigarettes are placed in only two rows and not in three like in Reds. Such placement may seem quite unusual for Reds fans but soon they will understand it is suitable for superslims. When the pack is already open, you notice extremely white filters and feel a slight smell of tobacco.

Now we will turn to the essence of the subject. To cigarettes.

As it was told earlier in the article, Marlboro Micro are superslims. Their white filters have a perforation line which speaks about duble filtration and at the same time allows to inhale more air, which gives smoothness.

Generally, Marlboro Micro are mild cigarettes with 4mg tar and 0.3mg nicotine. As you know, Reds are strong cigarettes with 10mg tar and 0.8mg nicotine. Micro have a sweet tobacco taste which gives no harshness at all. It means they are perfect for cigarette beginners and those who love smooth smoking. The Micro cigarette burns rapidly but the pleasant tobacco taste remains for a long time. I may say that they are good and have a pleasant taste which you will certainly appreciate!

You may find Marlboro Micro at

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